Hello! I'm Rachael, and I offer beautiful, practical yet sacred, heart centred Tantra sessions in London.Exploring ways in which to keep the mind, body and spirit in healthy balance has always been one of my passions along with expanding further the capacity for joy and pleasure that I hold within myself. I embrace the power of conscious loving touch and understand the importance of it on an energetic, emotional and physical level to heal, awaken and transform. Becoming a qualified holistic massage therapist in 1991, confirmed for me that touch, when given with the right intention, has physiological and psychological benefits that can affect all the body systems in a positive way. Meditation and breath practices brought a more integrated and expanded experience in to my personal and professional practice. Exploring Tantra was a natural progression. It inspires, challenges, and makes me feel clear and openhearted. It reaches and speaks to me on ALL levels, and I continue to dive deeply and listen. I have been fortunate to have studied under the guidance of several inspirational teachers and guides. Among them, Steve and Lokita Carter of the Institute for Ecstatic Living based in California and Margo Anand who is the creator of SkyDancing Tantra and the Love and Ecstacy training. The teachings of Osho have been important in my life and I have participated in the Osho centres in Italy and India where they hold wonderful and transformational workshops and trainings. Sensitivity and the ability to be fully grounded and present are just some of the qualities that I bring to sessions, whilst supporting people to open and to go with their own flow. I believe that often the answers to the questions we may have about ourselves will come to us through our own experiences rather than being 'told.' This is particularly true of Tantra.