Tantra sessions for individuals take place within an inviting, respectful and sacred space. You are invited to delve deeper into Tantra and your own true individuality, in an open and conscious way. One of the most insightful relationships we can have, is the one with our self. Whether just beginning, or continuing to explore and experience Tantra by oneself, gives you time and space and enables you to go at a pace that is deeply unique to you. I offer sessions with, or without Tantric massage. Both types of sessions can consist of various Tantric methods and practices. However, the content of all sessions will be in response to your individual needs and intentions. You may have a specific reason that has brought you here, or perhaps just pure curiosity. Either way, Tantra invites you to gently connect and trust in yourself, and whatever your situation in this moment. It is an opportunity to explore and embrace all aspects of yourself, perhaps in a completely new way! * * * Come and receive a Tantric Massage * * * "An expansion of awareness and connection to our pure essence nature, creating a felt sense of deeper intimacy and sensitivity" In your session(s), as well as a Tantric massage, a combination of some of the following aspects can be included, yet are not limited to: * Supporting Breathwork * Whole body healing * Exploring sexual energy as a healing energy * Tantric meditations * Movement and Chakras * How to be present and centre yourself * Relaxing the mind and dropping deeply into sensation * Cultivate and harness an awareness of sexual energy * Deepening the state of relaxation and connection * Opening the heart to joy and contentment * Improving orgasmic potential You can read more about Tantric Massage Here Get in Touch For Further Information, a Free Consultation or to Book a Session